23.8.11 - More pictures from the 2011 operating session...

Rolling out of Cudgewa
Over Boundary Ck trestle (shame I don't have a turntable at Cudgewa!)

Shunting two KCCa's with Snowy Scheme containers
Picking up cattle loading at Beetoomba
Arriving at Cudgewa (a rather revealing shot of how close that backscene really is...)

Will add a few more if this goes on....

20.8.11 - Dn Cudgewa Goods

At Shelley

At Beetoomba

Crossing Cudgewa Ck

Shunting at Cudgewa

Stabled at Cudgewa

30.5.2011 Now, where was that return ticket...

One of the last moves in the 2010 operating session was a Dn run of the DERMa to Cudgewa. Stabled in the shed there, I then got re-distracted on "Glenburn", so here she is with the Up run nearly a year later!

Just before leaving Cudgewa.

Rolling out past the Cudgewa Home "stick".