December 2007 - Up Stock Special

On the prototype, Cudgewa stock specials (and regular goods) dropped off empty stock wagons on the Dn trip then picked up the full wagons on the Up. Here Ta411 has is picking up 2 Ma's from Beetoomba to add to it's train of three from Cudgewa.

Slowing through the Koetong Pine Plantation for the entry to Shelley yard.

With stub ended points at the Up end of some of the yards, rope shunting was not uncommon on the Cudgewa branch. Here Ta411 rope(wire!) shunts two more Ma's out of Shelley's livestock siding, positioning them mid-yard for easier collection.

December 2007 - A Christmas visit from a Relative

Some time ago I picked up a Bachmann Zillertalbahn U Class. Not sure what her ultimate use will be but here she is running in on Shelley Railways.

Ta413 shunts the cattle road behind Cudgewa station.

Dn Goods - 15.12.07

Ta 411 on the Dn Cudgewa goods has broken briefly from the forest to cross Boundary Ck trestle and is about to dive back in and continue down grade to Beetoomba.

Branch Operations - 9.12.07

Ta413 shunts the morning Dn goods in Cudgewa yard, decent super loadings are about to end with the season change from Spring to Summer.

D3a665 at Shelley on a Dn Passenger Special. Must remember to use the tripod for less blurry pictures! My apologies.